Saturday, June 13, 2009

Mon Ami

Losing a friend is one of the worst things that can happen to you. It's probably because you lose the moments of joy or despair that you once shared with him/her. But more importantly, you lose a part of yourself, an alter ego, a person whom you confided in, one whom you could call up in the middle of the night and ask him to lend you money 'coz your father won't, one whom you can rely on for letting you cheat in the exams, one who loves for you even when you forget to love yourself.. he's much more than just another person. And when you think you're alone, when you think there's no one in this world who will stand up for you, friends can appear in the most unlikely people and open up right in front of you. So always cherish your friendship with your friends, multiply their goods, divide their bads, don't judge them and love them for who they are.

Some really nice lines I read in a book -

God, in all His wisdom,
made a special friend,
Someone we can count on
and on whom we can depend....
someone who will give and
share and always understand,
someone who is always there
to lend a helping hand....
And out of all things
that God could ever send,
few mean as much as having
one good and trusted friend.

This post is a tribute to Vishek Bansal - my good friend for 4 years. May God bless his soul. AMEN!!

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